Reshape tables πŸ“

import pandas as pd
from siuba import _, spread, gather

costs = pd.DataFrame({
    'id': [1,2],
    'price_x': [.1, .2],
    'price_y': [.4, .5],
    'price_z': [.7, .8]

id price_x price_y price_z
0 1 0.1 0.4 0.7
1 2 0.2 0.5 0.8

Gather data long

# selecting each variable manually
costs >> gather('measure', 'value', _.price_x, _.price_y, _.price_z)

# selecting variables using a slice
costs >> gather('measure', 'value', _["price_x":"price_z"])

# selecting by excluding id
costs >> gather('measure', 'value',
id measure value
0 1 price_x 0.1
1 2 price_x 0.2
... ... ... ...
4 1 price_z 0.7
5 2 price_z 0.8

6 rows Γ— 3 columns

Spread data wide

    >> gather('measure', 'value',
    >> spread('measure', 'value')
id price_x price_y price_z
0 1 0.1 0.4 0.7
1 2 0.2 0.5 0.8

Experimental pivot_wider, pivot_longer


These functions are thoroughly tested, but currently experimental. The sections below describe their basic use. See their reference page for more examples.

from siuba.experimental.pivot import pivot_wider, pivot_longer
from siuba import Fx


If there would be multiple entries per cell in the spread wide data, then the spread() function raises an error.

This is shown below, where there are duplicate entries where id=1 and measure="a".

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "id": [1, 1, 2],
    "measure": ["a", "a", "b"],
    "value": [8, 9, 10]

df >> spread("measure", "value")
ValueError: Index contains duplicate entries, cannot reshape

Use the pivot_wider() function to deal with this situation.

df >> pivot_wider(, names_from=_.measure, values_from=_.value, values_fn=tuple)
id a b
0 1 (8, 9) NaN
1 2 NaN (10,)

Notice that the top-left entry is a list of two values, (8, 9). The values_fn argument is able to reduce those values down to one.

For example, by taking the mean.

df >> pivot_wider(, names_from=_.measure, values_from=_.value, values_fn="mean")
id a b
0 1 8.5 NaN
1 2 NaN 10.0

Note that values_fn= may be a lambda function.


If you’d rather use pandas’s pivot_table() method, siuba can pipe to it using this syntax:

    >> _.pivot_table(...)

Where you would replace ... with your arguments. See flexible piping for more details.


Use pivot_longer() to stack columns of data, turning them into rows.

wide = pd.DataFrame({"id": [1, 2], "x": [5, 6], "y": [7, 8]})

id x y
0 1 5 7
1 2 6 8

Notice that this data has two columns (x and y) that you might want to stack on top of each other.

df >> pivot_longer(, names_to="variable", values_to="number")
id variable number
0 1 measure a
0 1 value 8
... ... ... ...
2 2 measure b
2 2 value 10

6 rows Γ— 3 columns

Note that in the code above, we do the following:

  • Use selects every columns except id for stacking.
  • Set column names to be stored in a new variable column.
  • Set column values to be stored in a new value column.

Specifying aggregations

Currently, the most general way to specify an aggregation in functions like pivot_wider() is to use a function in siuba.ops. These functions all correspond to pandas methods, and many have translations to SQL.

from siuba import ops

df >> pivot_wider(, names_from=_.measure, values_from=_.value, values_fn=ops.mean)
id a b
0 1 8.5 NaN
1 2 NaN 10.0

This allows your code to also work with SQL:

from siuba import _, tbl, show_query
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from siuba.experimental.pivot import pivot_wider

engine = create_engine("duckdb:///:memory:")

q = (tbl(engine, "df", df)
    >> pivot_wider(, names_from=_.measure, values_from=_.value, values_fn=ops.mean)
    >> show_query()
SELECT AS id, avg(CASE WHEN (df_1.measure = 'a') THEN df_1.value END) AS a, avg(CASE WHEN (df_1.measure = 'b') THEN df_1.value END) AS b 
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.16/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/duckdb_engine/ DuckDBEngineWarning: duckdb-engine doesn't yet support reflection on indices