from siuba import _
+ _.hp.rank() _.hp
│ ├─_
│ └─'hp'
│ ├─_
│ └─'hp'
Call trees are what siuba
uses to take what users say they want to do, and convert it into an action, such as…
Below is an example expression, alongside with a graphical representation of that expression. This graphical representation is the call tree.
│ ├─_
│ └─'hp'
│ ├─_
│ └─'hp'
One thing that often catches people by surprise with call trees, is that calls for an expression like
are not in order from left to right, but the other way around. Looking at its tree..
It goes
from _.hp
from _
I’ll call this order, the entering order. It occurs when we walk down the tree depth first.
Sometimes this order is useful, but often we’ll want to think of the operations in reverse (e.g. closer to how we read them). In order to allow for both situations, in siuba I often use what I’ll refer to as a tree listener. This is a concept borrowed from the Antlr4 parser generator language.
For each node (black box) on a tree, a tree listener allows to to define some custom processing, by specifying enter and exit methods.
Note that nodes like +
and .
in the graph above are shorthand for their python method names, __add__
and __getattr__
Below is an example tree listener that strips out a __getattr__
operation from a call.
from siuba.siu import Call, BinaryOp, strip_symbolic
from siuba.siu.visitors import CallListener
from siuba import _
class AttrStripper(CallListener):
def __init__(self, rm_attr):
self.rm_attr = rm_attr
def exit___getattr__(self, node):
obj, attr_name = node.args
if attr_name in self.rm_attr:
return obj
return node
attr_strip = AttrStripper({'hp'})
call = strip_symbolic(_.hp + _.hp.rank())
_.hp + _.hp.rank()
_ + _.rank()
class AttrStopper(AttrStripper):
def enter___getattr__(self, node):
obj, attr_name = node.args
if attr_name == "stop":
# don't enter child nodes
return self.exit(node)
# use generic entering method on this node (and its children)
return self.generic_enter(node)
attr_stopper = AttrStopper({'hp'})
call = strip_symbolic(_.hp + _.stop.hp + _.hp.stop)
_.hp + _.stop.hp + _.hp.stop
_ + _.stop + _.hp.stop
In general, it’s better to use enter when you need to use info that python would execute earlier in time.
Some useful cases include
For example, suppose we want to treat method calls in a special way. In _.rank()
, we first enter the __call__
node. Moreover, we can lookup whether it is actually a method call from this node, using the rule…
This is shown below…
# want to remove dt
# also want to treat an attribute after dt as a call
# _.a.dt.year
# if we cut dt out in the exit, can't know year is attribute
# TODO: shouldn't need to import BinaryOp, but it helps with formatting
# maybe need factory function?
def is_op(node, opname):
if isinstance(node, Call) and node.func == opname:
return True
return False
class MethodMaker(CallListener):
def enter___getattr__(self, node):
obj, attr_name = node.args
print("Entering attribute: ", attr_name)
# is to the right of another attribute call
# e.g. _.<left_attr>.<attr_name>
if is_op(obj, "__getattr__"):
left_obj, left_attr = obj.args
print(" Detected attribute chain: ", left_attr, attr_name)
# if the left attr is dt, treat this like a method call
# e.g. _.dt.year
if left_attr == "dt":
# manually enter child nodes, now that we have all the information
# we need about them
args, kwargs = node.map_subcalls(self.enter)
new_obj = node.__class__("__getattr__", *args, **kwargs)
# since it follows dt, put inside a call op
method_call = Call("__call__", new_obj)
return self.exit(method_call)
# otherwise, use default behavior
return self.generic_enter(node)
def exit___getattr__(self, node):
obj, attr_name = node.args
print("Exiting attribute: ", attr_name)
return node
method_maker = MethodMaker()
call = strip_symbolic(_.dt.year)
print("Call: ", call)
Call: _.dt.year
Entering attribute: year
Detected attribute chain: dt year
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
One limitation of this approach is that if we have an expression like…
We’ll still convert the year attribute to a call, causing us to call it twice!
Entering attribute: year
Detected attribute chain: dt year
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
To get around this, we can extend MethodShouter to check whether an attribute has converted to a call
class MethodMaker2(MethodMaker):
def enter___call__(self, node):
# needs to use an enter call, since need to know
# * what child was before entering
obj = node.args[0]
# don't want to return multiple calls,
# e.g. _.dt.year() shouldn't produce _.dt.year()()
if is_op(obj, "__getattr__"):
args, kwargs = node.map_subcalls(self.enter)
new_obj, *func_args = args
# getattr transformed itself into a call node, but we're already
# calling, so peel off the call node it produced...
if is_op(new_obj, "__call__"):
new_call = Call("__call__", new_obj.args[0], *func_args, **kwargs)
return self.exit(new_call)
return self.generic_enter(node)
def exit___call__(self, node):
obj = node.args[0]
if is_op(obj, "__getattr__"):
left_obj, left_attr = obj.args
print("Exiting method call: ", left_attr)
return node
method_maker2 = MethodMaker2()
Entering attribute: year
Detected attribute chain: dt year
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
Exiting method call: year
Exiting method call: year
Keep in mind that using an enter method for an operator can do whatever an exit method for that operator could (and more!). However, there are two important caveats to keep in mind it usually requires more code, since it also needs to enter child nodes.
We can think of the order of enter and exit operations as a big sandwich, where exit is the last step an enter “block” takes. So if the exit doesn’t handle things, the enter can.
_.hp + _.hp.rank()
enter +(_.hp, _.hp.rank())
enter .(_, "hp")
enter __call__(_.hp.rank)
enter .(_.hp, "rank")
enter .(_, "hp")
In this sense exit is best for actions that can happen after all other processing for a node has happened.
To show where an exit is useful–let’s take the extra step of cutting out dt
attributes. To do this, we can override our current getattr exit method (which is only a print statement right now).
Entering attribute: year
Detected attribute chain: dt year
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
Exiting method call: year
Entering attribute: year
Detected attribute chain: dt year
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
Exiting method call: year
Finally, it’s worth asking what will happen with the following call…
Entering attribute: dt
Detected attribute chain: dt dt
Entering attribute: dt
Exiting attribute: dt
Exiting method call: dt
Exiting method call: dt
Notice that there are two dt attributes, and they were both entered, but only one exited.
Why is this? To find the answer, you need to look at the enter___getattr__
method of the original MethodMaker class. More specifically, why doesn’t it exit the node its processing, when it creates a new Call node?