
join(left, right, on=None, how=None, *args, *, by=None, **kwargs)




Join two tables together, by matching on specified columns.

The functions inner_join, left_join, right_join, and full_join are provided as wrappers around join, and are used in the examples.


Name Type Description Default
left The left-hand table. required
right The right-hand table. required
on How to match them. Note that the keyword “by” can also be used for this parameter, in order to support compatibility with dplyr. None
how The type of join to perform (inner, full, left, right). None
*args Additional postition arguments. Currently not supported. ()
**kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Currently not supported. {}


Type Description


>>> from siuba import _, inner_join, left_join, full_join, right_join
>>> from import band_members, band_instruments, band_instruments2
>>> band_members
   name     band
0  Mick   Stones
1  John  Beatles
2  Paul  Beatles
>>> band_instruments
    name   plays
0   John  guitar
1   Paul    bass
2  Keith  guitar

Notice that above, only John and Paul have entries for band instruments. This means that they will be the only two rows in the inner_join result:

>>> band_members >> inner_join(_, band_instruments)
   name     band   plays
0  John  Beatles  guitar
1  Paul  Beatles    bass

A left join ensures all original rows of the left hand data are included.

>>> band_members >> left_join(_, band_instruments)
   name     band   plays
0  Mick   Stones     NaN
1  John  Beatles  guitar
2  Paul  Beatles    bass

A full join is similar, but ensures all rows of both data are included.

>>> band_members >> full_join(_, band_instruments)
    name     band   plays
0   Mick   Stones     NaN
1   John  Beatles  guitar
2   Paul  Beatles    bass
3  Keith      NaN  guitar

You can explicilty specify columns to join on using the “by” argument:

>>> band_members >> inner_join(_, band_instruments, by = "name")

Use a dictionary for the by argument, to match up columns with different names:

>>> band_members >> full_join(_, band_instruments2, {"name": "artist"})

Joins create a new row for each pair of matches. For example, the value 1 is in two rows on the left, and 2 rows on the right so 4 rows will be created.

>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 1, 3]})
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 1, 2], "y": ["first", "second", "third"]})
>>> df1 >> left_join(_, df2)
   x       y
0  1   first
1  1  second
2  1   first
3  1  second
4  3     NaN

Missing values count as matches to eachother by default:

>>> df3 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, None], "y": 2})
>>> df4 = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, None], "z": 3})
>>> left_join(df3, df4)
     x  y  z
0  1.0  2  3
1  NaN  2  3