
filter(__data, *args)

Keep rows where conditions are true.


Name Type Description Default
__data The data being filtered. required
*args conditions that must be met to keep a column. ()


>>> from siuba import _, filter
>>> from import cars

Keep rows where cyl is 4 and mpg is less than 25.

>>> cars >> filter(_.cyl ==  4, _.mpg < 22) 
    cyl   mpg   hp
20    4  21.5   97
31    4  21.4  109

Use | to represent an OR condition. For example, the code below keeps rows where hp is over 250 or mpg is over 32.

>>> cars >> filter((_.hp > 300) | (_.mpg > 32))
    cyl   mpg   hp
17    4  32.4   66
19    4  33.9   65
30    8  15.0  335