Space Launches

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests

from plotnine import ggplot, aes, geom_col, geom_line, labs
from siuba import *
from siuba.dply.forcats import fct_lump
from siuba.siu import call
agencies = pd.read_csv("")
launches = pd.read_csv("")

Launches per year

   >> count(_.launch_year, _.agency_type)
   >> ggplot(aes("launch_year", "n", color = "agency_type"))
    + geom_line()
    + labs(x = "Time", y = "# of launches this year", color = "Agency type")

<ggplot: (8770198359007)>

Which agencies have the most launches?

In this section, we’ll join launches with agencies, so we can get the agency short names (e.g. SpaceX).

First, though–we want to make sure the column we’re joining on in agencies does not have duplicate values. Otherwise, it will create multiple rows per launch when we join.

agencies >> count( >> filter(_.n > 1)
agency n

Now that we know each occurs once, let’s do our join.

agency_launches = launches >> inner_join(_, agencies, "agency")

agency_launches >> count()
0 950
launches >> count()
0 5726

Notice that the joined data only has 950 rows, while the original data has almost 6,000. What could be the cause?

To investigate we can do an anti_join, which keeps only the rows in launches which do not match in the join.

launches >> anti_join(_, agencies, "agency") >> count(, _.agency_type, sort=True)
agency agency_type n
0 NaN state 2444
1 US state 1202
2 RU state 619
3 CN state 302
4 J state 78
5 IN state 65
6 I-ESA state 13
7 F state 11
8 IL state 10
9 I state 9
10 IR state 8
11 KP state 5
12 I-ELDO state 3
13 KR state 3
14 BR state 2
15 UK state 2

Notice that for rows that were dropped in the original join, the agency_type was always "state"!

   >> count(_.launch_year, _.short_name)
   >> ggplot(aes("launch_year", "n", fill = "short_name"))
   + geom_col()

<ggplot: (8770128456732)>
   >> mutate(short_name_lumped = fct_lump(_.short_name, n = 6))
   >> count(_.launch_year, _.short_name_lumped)
   >> ggplot(aes("launch_year", "n", fill = "short_name_lumped"))
   + geom_col()

<ggplot: (8770128354094)>

Extra: potential improvements

When we joined agencies and launches, columns that had the same names ended up prefixed with _x or _y. We should double check that those columns have identical information, and then drop the duplicate column before joining.

Here’s how you can select just the columns that end with _x or _y:

agency_launches >> select(_.endswith("_x"), _.endswith("_y"))
type_x state_code_x agency_type_x state_code_y type_y agency_type_y
0 Ariane 3 F private F O/LA private
1 Ariane 1 F private F O/LA private
2 Ariane 3 F private F O/LA private
3 Ariane 3 F private F O/LA private
4 Ariane 3 F private F O/LA private
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
945 Atlas V 411 US private US LA private
946 Atlas V 541 US private US LA private
947 Atlas V 551 US private US LA private
948 Atlas V 401 US private US LA private
949 Atlas V 551 US private US LA private

950 rows × 6 columns

Extra: parsing big dates in pandas

You might have noticed that this data has a launch_date column, but we only used launch_year. This is because there launch_date has values pandas struggles with: very large dates (e.g. 2918-10-11).

In this section we’ll show two approaches to parsing dates:

  1. the .astype("Period[D]") method.
  2. the pd.to_datetime(...) function.

As you’ll see, the first approach can handle large dates, while the best the second can do is turn them into missing values.

First we’ll grab just the columns we care bout.

launch_dates = launches >> select(_.startswith("launch_"))

launch_dates >> head()
launch_date launch_year
0 1967-06-29 1967
1 1967-08-23 1967
2 1967-10-11 1967
3 1968-05-23 1968
4 1968-10-23 1968

Next we’ll create columns parsing the dates using the two methods.

dates_parsed = (launch_dates
    >> mutate(
        launch_date_per = _.launch_date.astype("Period[D]"),
        launch_date_dt = call(pd.to_datetime, _.launch_date, errors = "coerce")

dates_parsed >> filter(_.launch_date_dt.isna()) >> head()
launch_date launch_year launch_date_per launch_date_dt
547 NaN 1962 NaT NaT
550 NaN 1963 NaT NaT
551 NaN 1963 NaT NaT
1012 2918-10-11 2018 2918-10-11 NaT
1160 NaN 2012 NaT NaT

Notice that one of the years was 2018, but it was miscoded as 2918 in 2918-10-11.

Notice that it is..

  • an NaT in launch_date_dt, since pd.to_datetime() can’t handle years that large.
  • parsed fine in launch_date_per, which uses .astype("Period[D]").